MBC - Maidstone Borough Council
MBC stands for Maidstone Borough Council
Here you will find, what does MBC stand for in Government under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Maidstone Borough Council? Maidstone Borough Council can be abbreviated as MBC What does MBC stand for? MBC stands for Maidstone Borough Council. What does Maidstone Borough Council mean?Maidstone Borough Council is an expansion of MBC
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Alternative definitions of MBC
- Munhwa Broadcasting Corp
- Manual Boost Control
- Maximum breathing capacity
- Medical Board Of California
- Micro Business Computers, Ltd.
- McBride Baker & Coles
- Missionary Baptist Church
View 247 other definitions of MBC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- MSU Mayville State University
- MPS Manchester Public Schools
- MCSD Medina City School District
- MAS Money Advice Service
- MIL Mutual Industries Ltd
- MUC Molde University College
- MT Municipio de Tigre
- MMR Mobile Medical Response
- MCH Medway Community Healthcare
- MJP Mills James Productions
- MMC The Murder Mystery Company
- MMH Momentum for Mental Health
- MACSD Mexico Academy and Central School District
- MAPS Manistee Area Public Schools
- MPL Mitra s k Pvt. Ltd.
- MRPSC Matrix Residential a Pollack Shores Company
- MDNUC MD Now Urgent Care
- MIIP Mexican Institute of Industrial Property
- MHP Mental Health Partners
- MICR Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic